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Nusa Tenggara Timur

One of Indonesia’s most popular islands, and an obvious choice when it comes to holiday getaways, Bali is a thrilling destination for any nomad. It’s an island of many names, often referred to as The Island of the Gods, The Last Paradise, Land of a Thousand Temples and even Morning of the World. These descriptions are enough to imagine a province defined by its rich culture, a deep sense of spirituality, and a certain calm unique to its volcanic hillsides, lush rice terraces, and breathtaking coastlines.


One of Indonesia’s most popular islands, and an obvious choice when it comes to holiday getaways, Bali is a thrilling destination for any nomad. It’s an island of many names, often referred to as The Island of the Gods, The Last Paradise, Land of a Thousand Temples and even Morning of the World. These descriptions are enough to imagine a province defined by its rich culture, a deep sense of spirituality, and a certain calm unique to its volcanic hillsides, lush rice terraces, and breathtaking coastlines.